Welcome to the website of the Kyleakin Local History Society dedicated to collecting and preserving the history of the village of Kyleakin on the Isle of Skye.
The Annual General Meeting took place on Monday 30th September 2019 in Kyleakin Community Hall. All members and non-members were invited to attend this meeting, which reviewed the activities of the society over the last 12 months and included a report from the Chairperson and Treasurer.
Details of the winter 2019/2020 talks will be available on the 'Local' page under 'News and Events'.
Membership is open to all and for details please go to our Membership page. We currently have 115 members in the Society, which includes two junior members.
Your annual membership renewal (Adult £10; Junior £5) will be due on 1st April 2019. Anna Belle will appreciate if you post it to her at Sighthill, South Obbe, Kyleakin, Isle of Skye IV41 8PN. If paying by cheque please make it payable to Kyleakin Local History Society.
We welcome news from people whose families were originally from Kyleakin as well as contributions to our photograph and archive collections or even the smallest snippet of information about Kyleakin or its people. Please see our Contacts page on how to get in touch, or use our guestbook.
The News & Events page includes a dropdown page "Newsletters" which will give you access to all the newsletters issued by KLHS - just click on the newsletter image and depending on the settings on your computer, the newsletter will automatically open or will be in your download box. It also provides information on the society's current programme of talks and activities as well as other events in the district.
The rest of the site is dedicated to recording the history of the parish. The Topics page focuses on specific themes or articles of interest. The Gallery page includes part of our archive of photographs of Kyleakin from both the past and the present.
Has anyone got any films of Kyleakin and the local area; do you have cine or video films lurking in your attic; did you or your parents record a special event in Kyleakin; have you any pictures taken at gala days? If so, and you would like to share them with the members, please get in touch.
Help is still required to transcribe some of the talks i.e. type up the talks which have been recorded on a Dictaphone. If you think you can help and have hours of spare time, please contact a member of the committee.
We are still looking for a room/building to rent so that we can house our collection of pictures, artefacts and other memorabilia and somewhere to operate from - can you help?
We hope that you enjoy this website and find it of interest and please get in touch if you would like more information or would like to become a member of the society.

Please hover over this image to see the same area today.